How to Find Your Next Book

The Best Decision Criteria to Use
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How to Find Your Next Book

So, dear reader, having finished your latest book, you’re looking for something new. Question: Where should it come from?

To help focus the mind on this topic, consider that finding your next book is like looking for your next (albeit, short-term) relationship. And in a way, the analogy holds:

  • There is an investment; it should make you feel good, and you will be sorry to have it end.
  • Given you are going to spend a significant amount of time with this individual/book, it should work for you throughout the entire period.  
  • Also, there is an upfront expenditure of money and time to really get into a new book, which you don’t want to waste.
  • Finally, you do not want to slog through the whole 800 pages just because you are too lazy to find something else (we’ve all been there, haven’t we?).

So to start your thought process–what are you looking to get out of this book?

Is it mindless entertainment? Is it an intellectual, thought-provoking exercise? Do you want to go with the crowd and read what is hot and of the moment? Maybe something foreign?

Get out of your comfort zone

Philosophically, one thing I would urge everyone NOT to do is stay within your comfort zone, to read sequel 15 of the latest Jonathan Kellerman series. Now, I have nothing against Mr. Kellerman, and reading one of his books is like eating a satisfying bag of chips or a tub of Häagen-Dazs. However, as with the aforementioned treats, reading nothing but things you know too well will result in your psyche becoming as bloated as your body. But hey, if it works for you…

 Stick to reliable sources (to avoid disappointment!)

If your aim is pure entertainment, then going with the crowd usually works–the New York Times Bestseller List is usually a reliable source for this. Or, if you particularly liked an eclectic book, look it up on Amazon where they have a “people who bought this book also bought” suggestion line. When all else fails, go to Goodreads and search through their “highest rated” sections. This is crowdsourcing at its finest. You could ask your bookish–if they have set you up with your past books/relationships, then they can probably be relied upon to do so again. After all, they know what you like.

 Still at a loss? Join a book club, where you are forced to read the group selection. 

Hey, you may break up with the new book in the first twenty pages, but at least you can meet up with twenty people who dated the same book and commiserate, or eagerly disagree with those who loved the book over a delicious brunch and coffee!


Jason Kim

Jason reads as a respite from a hectic corporate job.

A major traveler, Jason enjoys eating exotic breakfasts (and brunch) at far off locations and reading books to get into the culture of the country in which he is visiting.  Favourite reads were My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk in Turkey, White Tiger in India, and Eat Pray Love in Bali.

Favourite book:  A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
Favourite brunch dish: Hanoi style pho


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